Visually Identify
Startups That Are A Perfect Match

Deal Revolver is a tool that helps you visually uncover what startups are building in a few keystrokes.

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More Time Sourcing, Less Time Searching

Provide us with a source list of company domains or leverage any of the company and founder data from Gravity
Use our clean interface to quickly review the websites and additional data points enriched by Gravity
Use shortcut keys to categorize companies as “Matches” or “Passes”
Export the companies that are a fit into your CRM or other tools

Introducing the “Superhuman of Sourcing"

We take millions of hard to find data points and aggregated them into a clean interface where you can visually uncover companies before everyone else with a few keystrokes.

You can continue to hunt with spreadsheets and 30 tabs open on your computer or you can use Deal Revolver and it's easy to use shortcuts - up arrow to match, down arrow to pass or click O to open the website to learn more!

Reach Out To Founder Now or Later. You Decided!

You have the ability to connect on LinkedIn or email a founder in 1 - click. Need to remember something for later or share important comments with your team? Tags and Notes will help you do that.

Why We Built Deal Revolver

Have you ever had 50+ tabs open and thousands of rows of spreadsheet data while trying to gather intel on brand new companies? At the end of the day, you're going to eventually need to visit the websites of companies to determine if they are a match for your investment thesis or ideal customer profile. Browsing through website after website can take weeks, we know, we used to do it! It's slow. boring and not very productive. We built a tool that will save you time when screening companies by bringing data from multiple data sources into an easy to use dashboard.


Drake Dukes
Founder of Gravity

Ready to spend more time sourcing and less time searching the web?

Try It For Free